This new brand of wine is produced with the active participation of students of the Faculty of Enology of the National Agrarian University of Armenia. The brand intends to successfully enter the wine market and be presented in specialist wine stores. To meet this challenge, the group of winemakers entrusted us with the task of creating a label design for two types of wine: an ordinary dry red wine and a reserve dry red wine.
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During discussions with the founders and taking into account that the winemakers are students of different generations, we came up with a brand name, "SERUND", which translates to "Generation". This brand concept is based on the idea of โ€‹โ€‹transmission, where knowledge and skills are passed from one generation to the next. The inspiration for this concept was the fresco "The Creation of Adam" by Michelangelo.
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The second step of the concept is visualization. According to the concept, we selected three key elements: hands, a bunch of grapes and a fig leaf. The illustration in the center of the label shows the bunch and leaf passing from one hand to the other, symbolizing the knowledge and skills passed down from generation to generation to the next, from expert to apprentice. , from the master to the knowledge seeker. The hand of the sender is that of an elderly person, and that of the recipient that of a young man. We have circled this illustration with the letters that make up the word "SERUND" in a clockwise direction. The letters of the name, which are in continuous rotation, symbolize the cycle of life and the idea that transmission is an integral part of the mechanism of human existence. In addition, the two illustrated hands passing the bouquet form the visual shape of the letter "S" - the initial letter of "SERUND".
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We have chosen a pure white colored label for the regular wine and an elegant dark green colored label for the reserved wine range. The dark green label, with its mystery, conveys the age and high quality of the wine, and the copper-colored letters become more expressive in contrast to the dark green.

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